Tuesday, December 20, 2005

No news to report

I have been looking for a job for more than a month now and I am very discouraged. I think the timing is not that good. Trying to find a job between Thanksgiving and Christmas is very hard. I really want to be home and I think that I am not really trying as hard as I should be to find something. I am getting depressed and I just can't motivate myself to try very hard. I am hoping that after Christmas, things will start to look up.

I have signed up with several different career placement agencys and hopefully something will turn up after the holidays. It is looking like I am going to have to take a pay cut to get something.

My Brother Andy is in town and I have not seen him in more than a year. He will be here thru Christmas. I am going to spend some time with him tomorrow.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Resume submitted

Today I spoke to someone who looked over my resume and gave me advice on how to improve it.
I did some changes on it and sent it on it way.

I need to go to my site on Monster and update it there also.
My boss is going to send my resume to another company that I hope will pick me up. If so, that will be such a relief.

I did not get my personal things, and today, I was supposed to meet a co-worker to pick up my things. He was going to go and pack them up and I was going to meet him, but he was not able to get into the office because everyone had left.

The person that took my job was supposed to be there, but as usual, she keeps her own schedule and she was not there. So we are going to try again over the weekend to meet up. It is a 45 minute drive, to meet, so I was not happy that I could not get my stuff.

My Daughter went with me, and we stopped by the Store and found her a pair of jeans, so all was not lost, She is a very picky shopper, so I was glad that we got them, they were even on clearance, that is the only way I like to shop. I am a real cheapskate.

Monday, November 14, 2005

A better outlook

After working on my Resume for several hours I am at my wits end. I do not have the writers touch so this is really hard for me. It has been 6 plus years since I have had to create a resume and I am having a very hard time.

I just got off the phone with My x-boss, the person that let me go. She feels bad because things did not work out, she is having someone help me with my resume and also she is going to make sure that I am paid thru christmas. That is a big load off.

The beginning of my Job search

My name is Ks. I have just been put into the situation of having to find a new job.
This is a new venture for me. I am not a job jumper and have endured many tough things in my job and have been heaped upon quite a bit. My last job lasted for 6 years and the 2 before that also lasted 5 to 6 years. So this is really a new venture for me and I must admit that I am a bit nervous. I feel like I was treated unfairly in my release from my last job. (who does not feel that way, huh) Anyway, It was quite a suprise to be let go, no one even said I was doing poorly, I basically was not really even acknowledged as an employee, I guess that should have told me something.

So now, I have got to get busy and find something else, before everything comes crashing down around me.

I am the support person in my life, meaning, My husband and kids look to me to support them emotionally. So this is going to be really a tough thing for me to do, because I am the "Strong" one in the family.

My husband, D, is a large man and is quite uncomfortable with his life, I try to help him, but sometimes it is really hard to be supportive, when he tries to center everything around him and his problems.

I have a son, dd, he is 21 and definetly not a overachiever....
I have a daughter who is a real joy to me and I would not be able to function, if I could did not have her. She is the love of my life and a really good girl that I am extreemely proud of.