Friday, April 27, 2007

A Long time coming

This weekend my Son Dman is moving home. We had to ask him to leave because of his un-healty choices. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do, and we took
a chance, but it worked.

Dman had to go thru some hard things, and ended up at his Aunt and Uncles house for a while, and it was just far enough away to get him away from some of the bad influences (friends) in his life and to get him to see the truth and get back on track. He is working now it is time for him to move-on before he wears out his welcome so he is moving home. We hope that he does not get back into his old ways, ahd He has assured us that he won't. He will again share a room with Fman. Everyone is working so it won't be to hard for them. It is only temporary until Fman graduates (I Hope, I Hope) we are ready for him to leave.

Speaking of Fman - he finally got his ID problem taken care of. He did not have his original birth certificate or original adoption papers. His parents never filed his records with the state so the state does not have a record of him. We spent several days trying to get his records and finally went to the County Courthouse to file to have his records reopened. Once we were there, they sent us on a "wild goose chase" to several different departments on several different floors, and finally told us that we needed to go to Juvenile services to get it taken care of. (Adoption was done thur Child Protective Services) It was across town, and we only had 30 minutes to get there. I asked the person downtown to give them a call to let them know we were coming, and when she told her our problem, the lady at Juvenile agreed to certify the copy of his adoption record that we had so that he did not have to request to have his record reopened. Fman went the next day and got his license. What a big headache and what a big relief. He is finally able to cart himself where
he needs to go. He had been paying on a car, but could not drive it because of not having a license. After a year it was getting really tiring for him and us getting him back and forth to work.

DDad had major surgery and is now home recovering. It has been nice to have him home on the weekends for a few weeks,as he usually works weekends, but he is going to have to go back to work soon. He has a wound vac system and has to go for a dressing change every 2 days. This vac is a pump that is hooked up to his wound and taped down with suction cups attached to his body, it pulls out all the inpuritys and heals the wound from the inside at the same time, The Doctor felt that his wound was significant enough that he did not want him to get an infection, so he did not completly close it. It takes several months for a wound like his to heal, so he will have to go back to work wearing the vacume. It is awkward to try to go anywhere, so he is pretty much hung out at home. I try to get him to go out when I am with him at home, but he is still tires really easily, so we arent getting out much.

I am having to do all of the heavy work, like yard work and taking out the garbage.
because he can't do it. Hopefully this will be all over soon and we can get back to our normal routines.

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